Website News
Did you know we post news about the Brand Constructors’ team and our client on our website? We do, check it out at
We have a news section for a few reasons. First of all, we think it’s important to keep you up-to-date with what is going on in our world. Secondly, we like to brag about our clients and show off our new work.
Finally, this is great for search engine optimization (SEO) and web marketing. The term SEO is thrown around a lot, but this is an easy way to add value to your website with Google and the other search engines. The search engines like websites that are updates frequently and it is much easier to add a news item then to rewrite your profile page. (Trust me on that one.) Also, in your news you will use valuable keywords that Google will love. For example, we use the some of the best keywords for our website “website”, “construction”, “brand marketing” and “design” in our news section all the time. We also use those same keywords in our blog. (I just used them again while giving you an example of using them.)
If you decide to add a news section or blog to your website (which we can help you with), remember to write for humans and not for the search engines. If a human read this blog post, it would make sense versus if I stuffed keywords into a post for the search engines to read. The search engines are smart and they pick up on that stuff and actually ban your website. Their is not much worse in the digital age as having your website banned from Google.
Take a minute and read through some our news items, maybe you’ll see your company there.