Thank Yous with the Greatest Impact

thank you coloring pageA bonus blog for you this week. I saw this blog entitled Thank Yous with the Greatest Impact from our business coach, Bridget DiCello (highly recommend by the way), that was about our topic this month on giving thanks. I thought you’d enjoy it.

Here is an excerpt from Bridget’s post:

Human Touch – As we have more virtual meetings and online friendships, there is something really powerful about taking a moment to stop what you are doing, walk up to someone, make sincere eye contact, and shake their hand as you express thanks for how they’ve helped you, for doing business with your organization, for ways they’ve gone above and beyond, or for times they’ve extended themselves beyond their comfort zone.

I couldn’t agree more with the human touch. Unfortunately, we can not see all of our clients face-to-face because of geographic & cost barriers, but when we’re in the area, we make the extra step to meet. Holiday gifts are always more impactful, thoughtful and appreciated when delivered in person with a smile.