Technology in Construction
I wanted to share with you a great article from a recent ABC Construction Executive entitled “The Jobsite of the Future” by James M. Benham (@smartbidnet) at SmartBidNet. I’ve been amazed by issue after issue of construction publications like ENR and Construction Executive that showcase iPads, Geotagging, and other powerful technologies that continue to expand on GPS and BIM. (One of my favorites is using an iPad with BIM to show where a staircase goes and then taking a picture to show job progress.)
James goes into detail about the future on construction and technology usage including Imaging, Robots, Greenery, and Mobile Devices. Gone are the days that contractors can fear technology, they must embrace it, not only to keep up with their clients, but to build better and more efficiently. Mobile devices have made a truck a mobile office and project documents are always at your fingertips and everyone has skin in the game.
Next time you pick up a construction or A/E/C magazine, you may mistake it for Wired or another tech pub.