Read What Your Clients Read

We’ve discussed being the resource for your clients instead of the order taker. Order takers are replaced by other order takers because of price, false promises, and small mistakes. Resources are not replaced by price, even for large mistakes, and generally have a better relationship with their clients.

abc construction executive 2008 09 c01 CoverA great way to be that resource for your client is to know your client better. When you work in a niche industry it allows you to focus your energy and understand the concerns of your client. I know my clients, construction companies, we’re closing watching the president election last year, are concerned with reduced public spending, and higher gas prices can kill profit on long-term projects. I can speak intellectually to my clients about concerns with bonding, insurance rates, unions, and proposals. I can generally spot safety issues in pictures they want to use for marketing before my clients.

How does this come about? First, I listen to my clients and actually care about their concerns – as any good business developer should. I also read my client’s publications including ENR, Construction Executive, and Building Design+Construction. I honestly do not read it word-for-word, some of that is above my head, but I review the articles to know what is going on in the industry. When I see something that loosely pertains to construction marketing, proposals/bids, social media, and websites – I pay close attention. Also, I look for articles that pertain to my clients. Sending an article you read in one of your client’s publications, even one that you know they read, is powerful because it shows you know what is going on for them and you care.

As a side note, these publications will also help you with blog topics (see last week’s post-How to Consistently Blog) as well as be that resource your client need, want, and will pay greatly to have available.

Get a reading!