Powerful Names
What makes a name work? Think of your vendors, your competition, and even the brands that you buy in the store. What are the brand names that come to mind? Walgreens, Apple, Target, Colgate, Chevy, Nike.
A name should be short, descriptive, representative and memorable.
All transactions, in B-2-B or B-2-C arenas, begin with brand awareness. This can be as simple as a listing in the phonebook or a web search or as developed a personal referral from a current customer.
You can add a tagline to help describe the company or a descriptive modifier (or as we call it slogo) that works with your logo to clarify your company’s industry and/or purpose. It is important to remember that a tagline and descriptive modifier are not the same thing. The tagline is usually changed with different campaigns and is usually about the company’s service or vision while the descriptive modifier is integrated into the logo.