Planning out the Year.

When you plan out your goals for the new year and sketch out how things will shape up, do you consider how you will market your company or communicate with your clients? Do you have a budget for marketing? How do you know you won’t go through the entire budget in 4 months?

A sample of our brand marketing calendar.

Sample of our brand marketing calendar.

Over the years we have refined our plans and have developed a brand marketing calendar. Here is a sample of our calendar for 2010. It includes how we will communicate or “touch” our clients, our prospects and the channels we will utilize throughout the course of the year.

This calendar helps us stay on task on a weekly basis and plan out our budget for the entire year. It may take some extra time to plan out now, but it will save numerous hours down the road by eliminating last minute decisions, late charges & rush fees, and overall hassle. We still leave 10-15% in the budget for the end of the year for great opportunities that may arise.

Contact The Brand Constructors to help you set up your company’s brand marketing calendar and get on track for 2010.