Mobile Apps for Productivity
Not sure if you knew this, but your smartphone is good for more than phone calls, email & playing games. It can actually be a useful tool by adding key apps for your business to increase productivity. Many larger companies, agencies & organizations are even building custom apps for their internal processes, bookkeeping, and administration.
Imagine all work orders and material lists being entered on an iPad in the field instead of on carbon paper? That would give your company real time info and eliminate someone having to type in reports where typos are prevalent. Also, what would it save your company if your project managers didn’t need an office ever again? Now I have your attention.
ENR has done a great job educating their readers about the power of mobile apps including a cover story back in December (shown on the right). ENR has covered “Top 10 Construction Apps by ENR Readers” and this cover story “Let’s Build an App for That“.
Apps are more than fun & games and smartphones have moved past their initial sexy appeal and CFOs & controllers are seeing huge cost savings. Clients too are looking for tech savvy companies that are not only keeping up with the times, but ahead of the technology curve where that cost & time savings can be spread to their projects.
Thanks to BIM, smart phones & other key technologies including the now “old” email, buildings can be designed, engineered, and constructed in record time with less hiccups and faster communication.