Your marketing strategy is the foundation upon which your marketing plan or systems are built. Included strategy, initiatives and tactics should be based upon extensive discovery of the current strategic situation (both internal and external), the business’ goals for its marketing investment, and the resources available to implement it effectively (financial and personnel).
Construction company external marketing strategy should be heavily focused on generating awareness for products and services, supporting business development efforts, and properly engaging and positioning the company to its prospective customers using uniquely differentiating characteristics. Marketing statements such as Mission, Brand Promise, Positioning, and Value Proposition must be included for direction and decision-making, while the elements of an integrated marketing toolkit are considered for achievement of predetermine goals and ROI.
Construction company internal marketing strategy is useful for employee brand immersion, transforming the organization from project-management-centric to marketing-centric, communicating and managing employee expectations, creating new cultural initiatives (such as safety-centric behaviors), etc. Internal marketing strategy is developed similar to external strategy, but the audience is within the organization rather than exterior to the organization. This internal audience should include sub-contractors who represent the business on job sites but aren’t necessarily employed by the company. Internal Marketing statements such as Brand, Brand Promise, and Value Proposition must be included for direction and decision-making (HR, operations, management, etc), while the elements of an integrated toolkit are considered for achievement of predetermine goals and ROI.