Learn Me Some More

Yes, I know that is not proper grammar, but I got your attention and you’re still reading. I have a question for you, how do you learn more about your industry, your client’s industry, and your craft?

Recently, The Brand Constructors attended and presented at the National ABC Education Conference in our hometown, New Orleans. It was great to talk to other construction companies about what they are experiencing and their expectations for the next couple of years. It is easy to get comfortable in your bubble with your co-workers and clients and close off the world. Just attending networking events, continuing education seminars, and workshops is a great way to learn from the speakers, exhibitors, and from the other participants.

cpsmA more formal way of learning that I am personally undertaking is the CPSM certification. Soon I will be a Certified Professional Services Marketer which is offered through the Society of Marketing Professional Services or SMPS which is a marketing association for the Architecture/Engineering/Construction industry. I am working with a small study group to get through the CPSM study guide and suggested reading. The research and studying is helping provide resources for new information, formalizing many techniques I’ve learned in the trenches, and reinforcing many of the marketing techniques we use in the office every day.

Now that you have seen some of the things we have been doing, let’s ask why you need to continue your professional education? Besides keeping life interesting and staying competitive at work, why do you educate yourself?