Join us for our webinar today!

9proposal_mistakes_title_slide2Today at noon CST I will be discussing the “9 Biggest Mistakes Construction Companies Make on Proposals” with our brand strategist, Rob Folse.

The average proposal pursuit costs construction companies $10,000 and most construction companies are satisfied with a 10-20% hit rate. That means it costs $50,000-100,000 to win a project. Join our conversation about the 9 biggest mistakes that are costing you millions of dollars in lost opportunities and thousands of dollars in lost time.

Also, on March 12, we have another webinar with Erica of Speak Simple, a presentation education company, entitled “Horrible Presentations – 3 Things Your Clients Won’t Tell You”.

You’re losing new projects in the presentation round and you don’t know why because clients won’t tell you what they rally think. We’ll dive past the “P.C.”, vague responses prospects give you in debriefs and tell you the 3 biggest reasons why you’re losing projects.

Register for either webinar or download them afterwards.