Good Design Builds Credibility
Occasionally I’m asked why we have an in-house design team and not just be a marketing-only firm. The main reason is that good design builds credibility and our clients generally do not have in-house designers. (Even those larger construction companies that have internal designers, usually still need help with their company’s website.)
Let me explain how good design builds credibility. People judge a book by its cover and a company by their brand image, in particular, by their website. When you’re in a store for a product you’re not familiar with, you gauge the value of the price by the design of the package. When buying online, whether a consumer good or a professional service, you probably look at 5-12 websites and rule out the ugly websites within 5 seconds. Your prospective buyers do this too. If you think they don’t, I’d guess that you don’t get business from your company’s website.
No, construction companies do not “sell” a multi-million dollar building online like Amazon, but prospects do short list companies based on their website. Prospects look at 8-15 contractors websites and call 5-8 of them. From there, they probably ask 3-5 for RFPs and for meetings, then narrow it down to 2-3 for interviews and negotiations. Without a good website, you don’t even know what you’re missing out on.
For small contractors and subcontractors, our marketing strategy starts with a good business card, strong website, and an email newsletter. This way when a contractor meets someone at a networking event like AGC or CFMA, business cards are exchanged (first step in building credibility). When that potential buyer gets back to the office, he/she looks up the website and makes a decision to continue the relationship or not. If you have a weak business card and poor website – that relationship never gets off the ground.
I ask you, does your website build credibility for your construction company? If not, you know who to call (hint: The Brand Constructors).