Recruit & Retain

Recruit & Retain Employees that “Get It!”

employeeWe hear it all the time: “If only we had better applicants, we could go after larger projects and earn more money.” “If only our best employees didn’t leave us to work with our competitors.” This usually isn’t an HR problem; it is a branding and communication problem.

Construction companies often forget one of their key target audiences in their marketing plan – their employees and potential employees. In order to communicate optimally with this audience, you must know who you are and what it is that your best employees value about your brand. Once you know who your best employees are, you can go about recruiting them. Putting the right people in place is the first step to stopping the revolving door; the next is effective communication with your employees.

Don’t worry, we’re not going to load down your HR team with more work. We’ve created ways to streamline HR’s responsibility by utilizing your website, which makes them happy and delights your CFO.


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