Drone Photography in Construction
I delayed today’s blog post until I could met with a local drone photographer over lunch. I met Craig Guillot with NOLA Aerials (http://www.nolaerials.com/). You can see some of his work below.

Image by NOLA Aerials.
I’ve seen a few construction companies (such as Yantis Company) starting to use drones for pictures in marketing materials, safety reviews, and even for fun. Craig has even done project progress photos for some construction companies because he can get high enough to see the entire job site.
As the technology continues to improve, the price for drone photography continues to decline, making it affordable. It can be a huge cost savings if you already budget for aerial photography and you get exactly what you want. Adding a few aerial photographs to your marketing materials can position smaller contractors as tech savvy as the big guys while the mega firms will probably have to utilize the technology to show their dominance in the industry.
One of the best parts about the technology is that you can see what you’re shooting from the ground instead of hiring an expensive aerial photographer that does multiple flyovers and gives you photos at a weird perspective. I’m already talking to numerous clients about the possibilities because this is great to show the size of a job site and you can finally “step back far enough” to take a picture of the entire building in downtown areas.
How do you see drones working in construction?

Image by NOLA Aerials.

Image by NOLA Aerials.

Image by NOLA Aerials.