October 18, 2012
I must apologize to our regular reads for not maintaining our weekly blog. We got off course with Hurricane Isaac – not because of the damage caused by Isaac, but by the time we lost. We were forced to close for a week due to lack of power and then we spent about 6 weeks...
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September 25, 2012
Guest blog by Erica Olson of Speak Simple Presentations do wonders for your brand because the audience is witnessing all of the gestures, emotion, passion that is shown during the course of the speech. The key is to speak simply enough that they can follow you. The newspaper is written on a fifth to eighth grade...
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September 3, 2012
Working directly with construction companies, we understand Labor Day is more than a day off to barbeque. Labor Day is a day to recognize those who built this great country and it signifies the importance of hard work and ingenuity. Thank you to all of America’s workers and laborers.
August 23, 2012
One of the biggest challenges for a marketer is to get buy in from the rest of the company and the hardest ones to get are executives on the top and the team in the field at the bottom of the pecking order. Let’s start at the top, if your company’s principals are not on...
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August 6, 2012
We’re big fans of digital photography, but this is one of the travesties of digital pictures. This photo pokes fun of our potential future; lets hope it doesn’t come to this.
July 11, 2012
Keep a look our for The Brand Constructors at SMPS Build Business 2012 in San Francisco.
April 5, 2012
I wanted to share with you a great article from a recent ABC Construction Executive entitled “The Jobsite of the Future” by James M. Benham (@smartbidnet) at SmartBidNet. I’ve been amazed by issue after issue of construction publications like ENR and Construction Executive that showcase iPads, Geotagging, and other powerful technologies that continue to expand...
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August 4, 2010
I recently a rather amusing list of why advertising fails. You may wonder what is amusing about failure. Just Google “Fail” images and you will see a lot of funny failures. In regards to this list, it is more some of the shear obvious reasons to us and also when we have see companies totally...
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January 12, 2010
One of our clients, Barriere Construction, has been on an award winning spree! Our team helped Barriere win 7 awards for two of their projects this fall including the ABC National’s Excellence in Construction Eagle Award for Infrastructure/Heavy, NAPA’s Quality in Construction Asphalt Award, and South Central Magazine’s Best of 2009, Award of Excellence-Transportation. This...
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