Brand Constructors

An Update to "A Glimpse Outside"

Things have not changed much outside from our first post, at least from the ground view, but the roof  has been repaired. Now the scaffolding is inside the building lining the atrium to repair the ceiling. Enjoy the view.

Construction Marketing Secrets

I was reviewing some of my LinkedIn Construction Marketing group discussions and marketing blogs and one of them simply asked to share your construction marketing secrets. It got me thinking about what we discuss with our clients and even though each client is different with an unique set of challenges, audience, and strengths there is...

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A Glimpse Outside

The office building here at The Brand Constructors’ HQ is getting a band-aid. Our building sprung a leak earlier this year and unfortunately it leaked over our 5-story atrium so repairs are not easily made. Here are a few pictures of life outside our office this morning.

A Great Post on Multi-Location Businesses

Our creative director, Adrienne Folse, wrote a great blog post on our parent company’s blog about how we save multi-location companies and companies with franchises a lot of money, time, and headaches. We develop a consistent and cohesive brand identity for the entire company instead of allowing each location to design their own marketing and...

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Big Lift for Local Bridge

We have one of the countries largest construction projects going on here in New Orleans. The Huey P. Long Bridge is in the midst of a major, 10-year widening project. This past weekend was the big lift of 2,650 tons of steel. View the time-lapsed video of the lift by click the photo below.

Website News

Did you know we post news about the Brand Constructors’ team and our client on our website? We do, check it out at We have a news section for a few reasons. First of all, we think it’s important to keep you up-to-date with what is going on in our world. Secondly, we like...

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ABC Conference & Fireworks

It was great to attend the ABC Louisiana Conference in Destin, Florida last week. I got to see a lot of friends and clients as well as meet new ABC members as well as their families. I thought it would be fun to share a picture I took of one of the highlights of the...

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